Tuesday 26 April 2011

Benefits of Verti-Cutting

Now that we have started lightly verti-cutting the greens, I thought this would be a good opportunity for me to explain the benefits this cultural practice can bring.
Normally, when mowing the grass we only remove the tip of the grass leaf, however, to cut the plants lateral  growth we use a vertical bladed reel.

Verti-Cut Reel

Removing some of the lateral plant growth forces the plant to use it's energy elsewhere, that excess energy encourages the grass plant to grow upwards, creating a more upright and dense sward.
Keeping the turf in a more upright position reduces the amount of grass leaf that comes into contact with the ball.  The less contact, friction or drag on the ball, the quicker the golf ball travels across the putting surface.

In good growing conditions we would normally verti-cut every two/three weeks, always avoiding periods when the turf is under stress i.e. when the turf is saturated or in drought or poor growing conditions.
Verti-cutting when prevailing conditions are not suitable or indiscriminately, can cause extensive damage to the crown of the plant, making it more susceptible to wilt and disease.

Cultivation practices such as verti-cutting, will reduce lateral growth, thatch accumulation and improve the uniformity, trueness and speed of  the greens.

More updates to follow in the near future.

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